We recommend following these best practices:
Increase your water intake. We recommend lemon and/or apple cider vinegar added if possible
Avoid alcohol after treatment
Exercise daily for 15-30 minutes
Massage the area (upward, or toward the heart)
Avoid sugars (especially fructose), refined grains (especially gluten), and chemically modified fats
Limit high salt foods for 1-2 days post treatment
Take Magnesium or Herbs such as Goldensea, Calendula, Echinacea, and Astralgus
Optional: wear compression clothing if available
Why do we make these recommendations? Flushing the body of those fat cells we just killed requires an efficient lymph system. Drinking water and staying hydrated (avoiding things that dehydrate) keeps the lymph system moving and active. Movement such as exercise and massage also stimulate the lymph system to be more efficient.